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Project Fellowship

no subscriptions | no supplier user fees | no supplier user limits

Hit training targets on your construction project

Remove suppliers’ frustration at doing similar training courses for every new project

Pay from your project’s budget not your parent company

No subscriptions

Level 1

For <$1 billion construction projects, $5,990 + GST

Level 2

For >$1 billion construction projects, $11,980 + GST

Unlike organisational Fellowship, Project Fellowship does not have an ongoing annual fee.
Projects under $1 billion pay a one-off prepayment of $5,990 + GST.
Projects equal to or over $1 billion pay $11,980 + GST. This can be paid in one upfront payment or over two instalments of $5990 +GST. Payment 1 to initialise. Payment 2, no later than 12 months from the first payment.

No user fees or limits

FREE Membership

Sign up now

We don’t charge your supply chain to learn.

Supplier organisations can

  • create a free organisation account (Membership)
  • add as many individual users to that account as they wish
  • come back as many times as they wish
  • not pay a cent to view our entire resource library


Use existing resources

Projects don’t waste money

Suppliers don’t waste time

Projects don’t need to spend money developing training materials that already exist. Where there are gaps, Fellows of the School work together to create new resources.

Suppliers don’t need to waste time re-learning the same content presented in slightly different ways for each customer project.

When developing your training program, use

  • existing e-Learning modules
  • existing resources to create Learning Pathways

If individuals from supplier organisations have already completed a resource, they won’t need to do it again. They only need to complete the missing elements if they have completed some but not all of the resources.


Get started

Submit your application to become a Project Fellow below
Pay the one off fee for <$1 billion construction projects, or the first installment of the fee for >$1 billion construction projects.
Create your custom landing webpage for your project.
Upload your supplier list into Priority Suppliers on your Dashboard.
Assign your supplier their learning target for your project.
Periodically log in to check the reports and charts on how your suppliers are tracking on their learning.

Apply now

Use this form to submit your application for Project Fellowship to the School team.

You will need

  • Primary contact details
  • Secondary contact details
  • Project details
  • Invoicing details