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Australasian Supply Chain Institute (ASCI)


The Australasian Supply Chain Institute (ASCI), formally apicsAU, is a professional institute serving across the various sectors of supply chain management to foster professionalism in the supply chain.

Operating in Australia since 1963, ASCI is a non-profit organisation, with chapters nationally.
In addition to extensive education programs, ASCI offers local activities that facilitate the exchange and advancement of practical knowledge, ideas and techniques. Activities include meetings, short courses, site visits and conferences.

ASCI has since positioned itself as the formal professional accreditation body for Supply Chain Management in Australasia. We have developed a professional framework in line with the requirements of the Professional Standards Authority (PSA) which is the government body that oversees the governance of professional bodies in Australia.

Membership of ASCI is open to any person with an interest in operations management and provides access to education programs, a network of industry professionals, real-world learning opportunities, articles and information.