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Why join the Supply Chain Sustainability School?
Sign upBecoming a School Member is completely free and allows you to access online learning resources about social, economic and environmental sustainability topics.
Registration is free, quick, simple, and allows users to attend training workshops, networking events, access hundreds of resources in our resource library.
Our Fellows can see which organisations in their supply chain have registered with the School, and Members are also publicised in our Member Directory.
Begin your journey now.
““The assessment and action planning tool allows us to work at our own pace in a systematic way, with the confidence of knowing that the recommendations in the action plans are in line with our clients’ priorities.””
Where do I start?
Benchmark Your Knowledge
Complete our free self assessment to get your bespoke action plan today.
Get Started1. Sign up free online
Registration takes a few minutes. Once logged into the School website, you have access to all resources. Sign up now >>
2. Complete a confidential assessment
Complete an assessment as a team for your organisation, or simply as an individual. Corporate assessment responses should be representative of a business, rather than an individual’s knowledge. See more >>
3. Access your action plan
Completing an assessment identifies gaps in your sustainability knowledge and will direct you a 10-point action plan with recommended resources tailored to kick-start your learning and improvement.
4. Download your bronze badge
Once you’ve started your learning journey, continue up through our different recognition levels. Members can download their badge and use it in bids, on email signatures or on websites. See more >>
5. Track progress
Re-assess at any time, with new action plans to support your journey of continuous improvement in sustainability. It’s a great opportunity to illustrate your progress to clients.
Learning Pathways
LEARN MOREThe ‘learning pathway’ tool allows Fellows and Members to create custom curriculums. Individual Learning Pathways are available to all Members.
Member Admins can set up an individual learning pathway and allocate it to any individuals in their company account. Choose from the School’s entire catalogue of resources to pick your curriculum of specific activities relevant to your sustainability requirements.
Resources accessed via a learning pathway count towards a company’s membership level with the School, and historical activity checks mean you will never need to complete a resource twice.
It’s handy for Admins who wish to ensure their colleagues have completed specific resources.
““The information gained from the Supply Chain Sustainability School website has enabled our company to access information and set up systems that would otherwise have been difficult for us (as a small family-run company) to justify. This has helped us to be able to grow the business successfully, in line with the best sustainable practises for the future.””Victorian councils supplier
Membership Levels
We reward and recognise our members based on levels of engagement and interaction with the School.
Include a membership badge in tenders, pitches, presentations, email signatures and other marketing materials.
Below is an outline of our membership scheme:
Registered: Has created an account but has not undertaken an assessment or viewed any resources or attended any School training.
Member: Used at least one resource in the past 12 months. This can be either completing an assessment, coming to one of our events, or accessing an online resource.

Interested in going for gold?
Are you a silver member wanting to go for gold? You can either
- submit a case study of your experience using the School, or
- present at a future School event.
Use the form below to express your interest.